2019-02-28 23:12:53 +00:00

4.1 KiB


A lightning fast version of tmux-fingers written in Rust for copy pasting with vimium/vimperator like hints.

⚠️ This plugin is active development.

Matched patterns

  • File paths
  • File in diff
  • Git SHAs
  • Colors in hex
  • Numbers ( 4+ digits )
  • Hex numbers
  • IP4 addresses
  • kubernetes resources
  • UUIDs


The easiest way right now is to install with cargo:

cargo install tmux-thumbs
tmux-thumbs -

or download the source code and compile it:

git clone && cd tmux-thumbs
cargo build --release


All tmux-thumbs configuration works settings custom paramenters to tmux-thumbs command.


tmux-thumbs -a qwerty -r -u

You can review all available options executing:

> tmux-thumbs --help

tmux-thumbs 0.1.0
A lightning fast version of tmux-fingers, copy/pasting tmux like vimium/vimperator

    tmux-thumbs [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -r, --reverse    Reverse the order for assigned hints
    -u, --unique     Don't show duplicated hints for the same match
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -a, --alphabet <alphabet>                          Sets the alphabet [default: qwerty]
        --bg-color <background_color>                  Sets the background color for matches [default: black]
        --fg-color <foreground_color>                  Sets the foregroud color for matches [default: green]
        --hint-bg-color <hint_background_color>        Sets the background color for hints [default: black]
        --hint-fg-color <hint_foreground_color>        Sets the foregroud color for hints [default: yellow]
    -p, --position <position>                          Hint position [default: left]
        --select-fg-color <select_foreground_color>    Sets the foregroud color for selection [default: blue]


  • alphabet: Choose which set of characters is used to build hints. Default [qwerty]

  • reverse: Choose in which direction you want to assign hints. Useful to get shorter hints closer.

  • unique: Choose if you want to assign the same hint for the same matched strings.

  • position: Choose where do you want to show the hint in the matched string. Options (left, right). Default [left]

  • bg-color: Sets the background color for matches [default: black]

  • fg-color: Sets the foregroud color for matches [default: green]

  • hint-bg-color: Sets the background color for hints [default: black]

  • hint-fg-color: Sets the foregroud color for hints [default: yellow]

  • select-fg-color: Sets the foregroud color for selection [default: blue]


This is the list of available alphabets:

  • numeric: 1234567890
  • abcd: abcd
  • qwerty: asdfqwerzxcvjklmiuopghtybn
  • qwerty-homerow: asdfjklgh
  • qwerty-left-hand: asdfqwerzcxv
  • qwerty-right-hand: jkluiopmyhn
  • azerty: qsdfazerwxcvjklmuiopghtybn
  • azerty-homerow: qsdfjkmgh
  • azerty-left-hand: qsdfazerwxcv
  • azerty-right-hand: jklmuiophyn
  • qwertz: asdfqweryxcvjkluiopmghtzbn
  • qwertz-homerow: asdfghjkl
  • qwertz-left-hand: asdfqweryxcv
  • qwertz-right-hand: jkluiopmhzn
  • dvorak: aoeuqjkxpyhtnsgcrlmwvzfidb
  • dvorak-homerow: aoeuhtnsid
  • dvorak-left-hand: aoeupqjkyix
  • dvorak-right-hand: htnsgcrlmwvz
  • colemak: arstqwfpzxcvneioluymdhgjbk
  • colemak-homerow: arstneiodh
  • colemak-left-hand: arstqwfpzxcv
  • colemak-right-hand: neioluymjhk


This is the list of available colors:

  • black
  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • white
  • default

Extra features

  • Arrow navigation: You can use the arrows to move arround between all matched items.
  • Auto paste: If your last typed hint character is uppercase, you are going to pick and paste the desired hint.
