2020-04-23 13:46:00 -07:00

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# Starting with cursive: (1/3)
## Target goal
In this first tutorial, we'll learn the basics of cursive,
and write a very basic first application:
use cursive::views::TextView;
fn main() {
let mut siv = cursive::default();
siv.add_global_callback('q', |s| s.quit());
siv.add_layer(TextView::new("Hello cursive! Press <q> to quit."));;
Run the application, and you should have something like this:
![Tutorial 1 goal](./tutorial_1.png)
Now that you have an idea of what we'll do, let's start from scratch.
## Project configuration
Let's create a new project
(this is basic cargo stuff I hope you're familiar with):
% cargo new --bin cursive_example
Now, we'll add cursive to the list of dependencies in `Cargo.toml`:
name = "cursive_example"
version = "0.1.0"
cursive = "*"
Finally, update `src/` to import it:
fn main() {
This simple application is now ready to use cursive. So let's do just that!
## The Cursive root
The cursive library is configured through a main [`Cursive`] root.
A typical cursive application will consist of three phases,
all centered around this object:
1. Create a `Cursive` object (we will use the [`cursive::default()`] method for that)
2. Configure the `Cursive` object
3. Run the `Cursive` object
Of these, the configuration phase is often the largest one,
so let's skip it for now.
In its simplest form, a cursive application is therefore:
fn main() {
let mut siv = cursive::default();;
It's rather easy to identify the two steps involved.
If you run this, you'll get an empty blue terminal, with no way of properly
leaving the application (you'll have to press <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>C</kbd> to kill it).
## Interactivity
Let's first add a way to stop the application. We want to quit when the user
presses the letter `q`.
Cursive sends an event for every user input; most of these are just ignored
and have no effect. The `Cursive` root has an [`add_global_callback`] method to
call a function anytime a certain event is fired.
This method takes 2 arguments: a trigger, and a callback.
* The trigger needs to implement `Into<event::Event>`. In addition to
[`event::Event`] itself, this includes [`event::Key`], or simply `char`.
These will trigger when the corresponding key (or letter) is pressed.
* The callback should be a function taking an `&mut Cursive` as an argument. Here,
we want to quit, so we'll use [`Cursive::quit`] in a closure: `|s| s.quit()`.
In the end, we have:
fn main() {
let mut siv = cursive::default();
siv.add_global_callback('q', |s| s.quit());;
As expected, running it shows no visible change, but hitting the `q` key does
close the application.
## Views
[`View`s] are the main components of the user interface in a cursive
application. At their core, they define what to draw in a rectangle of the
terminal. For instance, a view can print a line of text, or a checkbox, etc.
Here, we'll be using a [`TextView`] to show a short message. `TextView` itself
can also deal with long text and do proper word-wrapping, but we won't need
that today.
The `TextView` constructor just takes the text to use: `TextView::new("...")`.
The `Cursive` root itself uses a [`StackView`] on the entire screen. This
`StackView` unsurprisingly stacks views in layers. It starts empty, so we'll
just need to add our `TextView` as a layer. [`Cursive::add_layer`] lets us do
exactly that.
Once we've added this line, our first application is complete:
use cursive::views::TextView;
fn main() {
let mut siv = cursive::default();
siv.add_global_callback('q', |s| s.quit());
siv.add_layer(TextView::new("Hello cursive! Press <q> to quit."));;
Next: [Starting with Cursive (2/3)](./