// inject CSS const STYLE_CLASS = "youtube-ac-styling"; Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName(STYLE_CLASS)).forEach((e) => { e.remove(); }); let ytacCSS = { "sidebar": "#related", "comments": "#comments", "endscreen": ".videowall-endscreen", "invideo": ".ytp-ce-video", "notification": "ytd-notification-topbar-button-renderer", "other": "#newness-dot, .ytp-spinner" }; const INVISIBLE = " { display: none !important; }" let head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; for (key of Object.keys(ytacCSS)) { let e = document.createElement('style'); e.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); e.setAttribute("class", STYLE_CLASS); e.setAttribute("id", "ytac" + key); if ('textContent' in e) { e.textContent = ytacCSS[key] + INVISIBLE; } else { e.styleSheet.cssText = ytacCSS[key] + INVISIBLE; } head.appendChild(e); } // browser action listener // Listen for messages from the background script. if (window.ytacListener != null) { browser.runtime.onMessage.removeListener(window.ytacListener); } window.ytacListener = (message) => { console.log("[YTAC] received browser action " + message.command); if (message.command == "comments") { console.log("[YTAC] showing comments"); document.getElementById("ytaccomments").remove(); } else if (message.command == "sidebar") { console.log("[YTAC] showing video sidebar"); document.getElementById("ytacsidebar").remove(); } else if (message.command == "invideo") { console.log("[YTAC] showing in-video suggestions"); document.getElementById("ytacinvideo").remove(); } else if (message.command == "endscreen") { console.log("[YTAC] showing endscreen"); document.getElementById("ytacendscreen").remove(); } else if (message.command == "notification") { console.log("[YTAC] showing notification bell"); document.getElementById("ytacnotification").remove(); } }; browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(window.ytacListener); console.log("[YTAC] added action listener"); function modifyThings() { let repeating = false; // autoplay disabler let autoplayButton = document.getElementById("toggle"); if (autoplayButton == null) { console.warn("[YTAC] could not locate autoplay button"); } else if (autoplayButton.getAttribute("aria-pressed") === "true") { autoplayButton.click(); } // description expander let showMoreButton = document.getElementsByClassName("more-button"); if (showMoreButton.length == 0) { console.warn("[YTAC] could not locate description expander, trying again in 5s"); setTimeout(modifyThings, 5000); } else { showMoreButton[0].click(); } } modifyThings();