use super::*; use std::char; use std::io::{stdout, Read, Write}; use termion::async_stdin; use termion::event::Key; use termion::input::TermRead; use termion::raw::IntoRawMode; use termion::screen::AlternateScreen; use termion::{color, cursor}; pub struct View<'a> { state: &'a mut state::State<'a>, skip: usize, multi: bool, contrast: bool, position: &'a str, matches: Vec>, select_foreground_color: Box<&'a dyn color::Color>, select_background_color: Box<&'a dyn color::Color>, foreground_color: Box<&'a dyn color::Color>, background_color: Box<&'a dyn color::Color>, hint_background_color: Box<&'a dyn color::Color>, hint_foreground_color: Box<&'a dyn color::Color>, } enum CaptureEvent { Exit, Hint(Vec<(String, bool)>), } impl<'a> View<'a> { pub fn new( state: &'a mut state::State<'a>, multi: bool, reverse: bool, unique: bool, contrast: bool, position: &'a str, select_foreground_color: Box<&'a dyn color::Color>, select_background_color: Box<&'a dyn color::Color>, foreground_color: Box<&'a dyn color::Color>, background_color: Box<&'a dyn color::Color>, hint_foreground_color: Box<&'a dyn color::Color>, hint_background_color: Box<&'a dyn color::Color>, ) -> View<'a> { let matches = state.matches(reverse, unique); let skip = if reverse { matches.len() - 1 } else { 0 }; View { state, skip, multi, contrast, position, matches, select_foreground_color, select_background_color, foreground_color, background_color, hint_foreground_color, hint_background_color, } } pub fn prev(&mut self) { if self.skip > 0 { self.skip -= 1; } } pub fn next(&mut self) { if self.skip < self.matches.len() - 1 { self.skip += 1; } } fn make_hint_text(&self, hint: &str) -> String { if self.contrast { format!("[{}]", hint) } else { hint.to_string() } } fn render(&self, stdout: &mut dyn Write) -> () { write!(stdout, "{}", cursor::Hide).unwrap(); for (index, line) in self.state.lines.iter().enumerate() { let clean = line.trim_end_matches(|c: char| c.is_whitespace()); if !clean.is_empty() { let text = self.make_hint_text(line); print!("{goto}{text}", goto = cursor::Goto(1, index as u16 + 1), text = &text); } } let selected = self.matches.get(self.skip); for mat in self.matches.iter() { let selected_color = if selected == Some(mat) { &self.select_foreground_color } else { &self.foreground_color }; let selected_background_color = if selected == Some(mat) { &self.select_background_color } else { &self.background_color }; // Find long utf sequences and extract it from mat.x let line = &self.state.lines[mat.y as usize]; let prefix = &line[0..mat.x as usize]; let extra = prefix.len() - prefix.chars().count(); let offset = (mat.x as u16) - (extra as u16); let text = self.make_hint_text(mat.text); print!( "{goto}{background}{foregroud}{text}{resetf}{resetb}", goto = cursor::Goto(offset + 1, mat.y as u16 + 1), foregroud = color::Fg(**selected_color), background = color::Bg(**selected_background_color), resetf = color::Fg(color::Reset), resetb = color::Bg(color::Reset), text = &text ); if let Some(ref hint) = mat.hint { let extra_position = if self.position == "left" { 0 } else { text.len() - mat.hint.clone().unwrap().len() }; let text = self.make_hint_text(hint.as_str()); print!( "{goto}{background}{foregroud}{text}{resetf}{resetb}", goto = cursor::Goto(offset + extra_position as u16 + 1, mat.y as u16 + 1), foregroud = color::Fg(*self.hint_foreground_color), background = color::Bg(*self.hint_background_color), resetf = color::Fg(color::Reset), resetb = color::Bg(color::Reset), text = &text ); } } stdout.flush().unwrap(); } fn listen(&mut self, stdin: &mut dyn Read, stdout: &mut dyn Write) -> CaptureEvent { let mut chosen = vec![]; let mut typed_hint: String = "".to_owned(); let longest_hint = self .matches .iter() .filter_map(|m| m.hint.clone()) .max_by(|x, y| x.len().cmp(&y.len())) .unwrap() .clone(); self.render(stdout); loop { match stdin.keys().next() { Some(key) => { match key { Ok(key) => { match key { Key::Esc => { if self.multi && !typed_hint.is_empty() { typed_hint.clear(); } else { break; } } Key::Insert => match self.matches.iter().enumerate().find(|&h| h.0 == self.skip) { Some(hm) => { chosen.push((hm.1.text.to_string(), false)); if !self.multi { return CaptureEvent::Hint(chosen); } } _ => panic!("Match not found?"), }, Key::Up => { self.prev(); } Key::Down => {; } Key::Left => { self.prev(); } Key::Right => {; } Key::Char(ch) => { if ch == ' ' && self.multi { return CaptureEvent::Hint(chosen); } let key = ch.to_string(); let lower_key = key.to_lowercase(); typed_hint.push_str(lower_key.as_str()); let selection = self.matches.iter().find(|mat| mat.hint == Some(typed_hint.clone())); match selection { Some(mat) => { chosen.push((mat.text.to_string(), key != lower_key)); if self.multi { typed_hint.clear(); } else { return CaptureEvent::Hint(chosen); } } None => { if !self.multi && typed_hint.len() >= longest_hint.len() { break; } } } } _ => { // Unknown key } } } Err(err) => panic!(err), } } _ => { // Nothing in the buffer. Wait for a bit... std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)); } } self.render(stdout); } CaptureEvent::Exit } pub fn present(&mut self) -> Vec<(String, bool)> { let mut stdin = async_stdin(); let mut stdout = AlternateScreen::from(stdout().into_raw_mode().unwrap()); let hints = match self.listen(&mut stdin, &mut stdout) { CaptureEvent::Exit => vec![], CaptureEvent::Hint(chosen) => chosen, }; write!(stdout, "{}", cursor::Show).unwrap(); hints } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; fn split(output: &str) -> Vec<&str> { output.split("\n").collect::>() } #[test] fn hint_text() { let lines = split("lorem lorem"); let custom = [].to_vec(); let mut state = state::State::new(&lines, "abcd", &custom); let mut view = View { state: &mut state, skip: 0, multi: false, contrast: false, position: &"", matches: vec![], select_foreground_color: colors::get_color("default"), select_background_color: colors::get_color("default"), foreground_color: colors::get_color("default"), background_color: colors::get_color("default"), hint_background_color: colors::get_color("default"), hint_foreground_color: colors::get_color("default"), }; let result = view.make_hint_text("a"); assert_eq!(result, "a".to_string()); view.contrast = true; let result = view.make_hint_text("a"); assert_eq!(result, "[a]".to_string()); } }