const {req, res} = api; const today = new Date().toISOString().substr(0, 10); const targetTemplate = await api.currentNote.getRelationValue('targetTemplate'); const tasks = await api.getNotesWithLabel("template", targetTemplate); let tasksData = []; for (const task of tasks) { const todoDate = task.getAttribute("label", "todoDate"); if (!todoDate || todoDate["value"] < today) { continue; } tasksData.push({ attributes: await task.getAttributes(), ...task }); } const targetTemplateReminder = await api.currentNote.getRelationValue('targetTemplateReminder'); const reminders = await api.getNotesWithLabel("template", targetTemplateReminder); for (const task of reminders) { const todoDate = task.getAttribute("label", "todoDate"); if (!todoDate || todoDate["value"] < today) { continue; } tasksData.push({ attributes: await task.getAttributes(), ...task }); } const targetTemplateReminderDaily = await api.currentNote.getRelationValue('targetTemplateReminderDaily'); const remindersDaily = await api.getNotesWithLabel("template", targetTemplateReminderDaily); for (const task of remindersDaily) { const attributes = await task.getAttributes(); attributes.push({ "type": "label", "name": "todoDate", "value": today, // API compliance "attributeId": "", "noteId": "", "position": 0, "utcDateModified": "2021-04-23 08:20:14.295Z", "isDeleted": false, "isInheritable": false }); tasksData.push({ attributes: attributes, ...task }); } res.send(tasksData);