use failure::Fallible; use log::*; use rga::adapters::spawning::map_exe_error; use rga::adapters::*; use rga::args::*; use std::ffi::OsString; use std::process::Command; use structopt::StructOpt; fn split_args() -> Fallible<(RgaArgs, Vec)> { let mut app = RgaArgs::clap(); app.p.create_help_and_version(); let mut firstarg = true; // debug!("{:#?}", app.p.flags); let (our_args, mut passthrough_args): (Vec, Vec) = std::env::args_os() .partition(|os_arg| { if firstarg { // hacky, but .enumerate() would be ugly because partition is too simplistic firstarg = false; return true; } if let Some(arg) = os_arg.to_str() { for flag in app.p.flags() { if let Some(s) = flag.s.short { if arg == format!("-{}", s) { return true; } } if let Some(l) = flag.s.long { if arg == format!("--{}", l) { return true; } } // println!("{}", flag.s.long); } for opt in app.p.opts() { // only parse --x=... for now if let Some(l) = opt.s.long { if arg.starts_with(&format!("--{}", l)) { return true; } } } } false }); debug!("our_args: {:?}", our_args); let matches = parse_args(our_args)?; if matches.rg_help { passthrough_args.insert(0, "--help".into()); } if matches.rg_version { passthrough_args.insert(0, "--version".into()); } debug!("passthrough_args: {:?}", passthrough_args); Ok((matches, passthrough_args)) } fn main() -> Fallible<()> { env_logger::init(); let (args, passthrough_args) = split_args()?; let adapters = get_adapters_filtered(&args.rga_adapters)?; if args.rga_list_adapters { println!("Adapters:\n"); for adapter in adapters { let meta = adapter.metadata(); let matchers = meta .matchers .iter() .map(|m| match m { Matcher::FileExtension(ext) => format!(".{}", ext), }) .collect::>() .join(", "); print!( " - {}\n {}\n Extensions: {}\n",, meta.description, matchers ); println!(""); } return Ok(()); } let extensions = adapters .iter() .flat_map(|a| &a.metadata().matchers) .filter_map(|m| match m { Matcher::FileExtension(ext) => Some(ext as &str), }) .collect::>() .join(","); let exe = std::env::current_exe().expect("Could not get executable location"); let preproc_exe = exe.with_file_name("rga-preproc"); let mut child = Command::new("rg") .arg("--no-line-number") .arg("--pre") .arg(preproc_exe) .arg("--pre-glob") .arg(format!("*.{{{}}}", extensions)) .args(passthrough_args) .spawn() .map_err(|e| map_exe_error(e, "rg", "Please make sure you have ripgrep installed."))?; child.wait()?; Ok(()) }