Error, no card to draw exists Error, can not get resources: game not started Error, could not build item Error, invalid build command Error, can not get buildings: game not started Error, can not get buildable items: game not started Error, not expecting dice roll Error, not expecting dice roll Error, not expecting dice roll Error, can not reset a game that is not started! Error, invalid start argument value(s) OK EMPTY wood wood Error, could not build item Error, invalid build command EMPTY EMPTY Error, not expecting dice roll Error, not expecting dice roll Error, not expecting dice roll Error, could not start game OK EMPTY wood wood spider Error, roll dice, please wood Error, awaiting dice roll, can not build Error, invalid build command EMPTY Error, can not get buildable items: awaiting dice roll Error, unexpected dice size Error, unexpected dice size survived snake Error, roll dice, please wood Error, awaiting dice roll, can not build Error, invalid build command EMPTY Error, can not get buildable items: awaiting dice roll Error, unexpected dice size Error, unexpected dice size survived tiger Error, roll dice, please wood Error, awaiting dice roll, can not build Error, invalid build command EMPTY Error, can not get buildable items: awaiting dice roll Error, unexpected dice size Error, unexpected dice size survived wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic EMPTY axe club fireplace hangglider sailingraft shack OK axe ballon club hangglider sailingraft shack steamboat spider Error, awaiting dice roll, can not build Error, can not get buildable items: awaiting dice roll survived OK spider Error, awaiting dice roll, can not build Error, can not get buildable items: awaiting dice roll survived OK spider Error, awaiting dice roll, can not build Error, can not get buildable items: awaiting dice roll survived