Initial commit

Signed-off-by: Domenico Iezzi <>
This commit is contained in:
Domenico Iezzi 2017-08-27 17:32:05 +02:00
commit 821dee4f11
5 changed files with 20339 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Google play python3 API
This project contains an unofficial API for google play interactions. The code mainly comes from
[GooglePlayAPI project]( which was written for python2 and it's not
maintained anymore. The code was ported to python3 with some minor additions and updates, mainly for python3 compatibility.
All credit goes to the original author [egirault](
This project is released under the BSD license.

13 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# separator used by,, ...
LANG = "en_US"
ANDROID_ID = "8AAF7D11483A175"
# force the user to edit this file
if any([each == None for each in [ANDROID_ID, GOOGLE_LOGIN, GOOGLE_PASSWORD]]):
raise Exception(" not updated")

googleplay.proto Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
import requests
from google.protobuf import descriptor
from google.protobuf.internal.containers import RepeatedCompositeFieldContainer
from google.protobuf import text_format
from google.protobuf.message import Message, DecodeError
from . import googleplay_pb2
from . import config
ssl_verify = True
class LoginError(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
class RequestError(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
class GooglePlayAPI(object):
"""Google Play Unofficial API Class
Usual APIs methods are login(), search(), details(), bulkDetails(),
download(), browse(), reviews() and list().
toStr() can be used to pretty print the result (protobuf object) of the
previous methods.
toDict() converts the result into a dict, for easier introspection."""
SERVICE = "androidmarket"
authSubToken = None
def __init__(self, androidId=None, lang=None, debug=False):
# you must use a device-associated androidId value
self.preFetch = {}
if androidId is None:
androidId = config.ANDROID_ID
if lang is None:
lang = config.LANG
self.androidId = androidId
self.lang = lang
self.debug = debug
def toDict(self, protoObj):
"""Converts the (protobuf) result from an API call into a dict, for
easier introspection."""
iterable = False
if isinstance(protoObj, RepeatedCompositeFieldContainer):
iterable = True
protoObj = [protoObj]
retlist = []
for po in protoObj:
msg = dict()
for fielddesc, value in po.ListFields():
# print value, type(value), getattr(value, "__iter__", False)
if fielddesc.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_GROUP or \
isinstance(value, RepeatedCompositeFieldContainer) or \
isinstance(value, Message):
msg[] = self.toDict(value)
msg[] = value
if not iterable:
if len(retlist) > 0:
return retlist[0]
return None
return retlist
def toStr(self, protoObj):
"""Used for pretty printing a result from the API."""
return text_format.MessageToString(protoObj)
def _try_register_preFetch(self, protoObj):
fields = [ for (i, _) in protoObj.ListFields()]
if ("preFetch" in fields):
for p in protoObj.preFetch:
self.preFetch[p.url] = p.response
def setAuthSubToken(self, authSubToken):
self.authSubToken = authSubToken
# put your auth token in to avoid multiple login requests
if self.debug:
print("authSubToken: " + authSubToken)
def login(self, email=None, password=None, authSubToken=None):
"""Login to your Google Account. You must provide either:
- an email and password
- a valid Google authSubToken"""
if (authSubToken is not None):
# check if token is valid with a simple search'firefox', 1, None)
if (email is None or password is None):
raise Exception("You should provide at least " +
"authSubToken or (email and password)")
params = {
"Email": email,
"Passwd": password,
"service": self.SERVICE,
"has_permission": "1",
"source": "android",
"androidId": self.androidId,
"app": "",
"device_country": "en",
"operatorCountry": "en",
"lang": self.lang,
"sdk_version": "24"
headers = {
"Accept-Encoding": "",
response =, data=params,
headers=headers, verify=ssl_verify)
data = response.text.split()
params = {}
for d in data:
if "=" not in d:
k, v = d.split("=")[0:2]
params[k.strip().lower()] = v.strip()
if "auth" in params:
elif "error" in params:
raise LoginError("server says: " + params["error"])
raise LoginError("Auth token not found.")
def executeRequestApi2(self, path, datapost=None,
post_content_type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"):
if (datapost is None and path in self.preFetch):
data = self.preFetch[path]
headers = {
"Accept-Language": self.lang,
"Authorization": "GoogleLogin auth=%s" % self.authSubToken,
"X-DFE-Enabled-Experiments": "cl:billing.select_add_instrument_by_default",
"X-DFE-Unsupported-Experiments": "nocache:billing.use_charging_poller,market_emails,buyer_currency,prod_baseline,checkin.set_asset_paid_app_field,shekel_test,content_ratings,buyer_currency_in_app,nocache:encrypted_apk,recent_changes",
"X-DFE-Device-Id": self.androidId,
"X-DFE-Client-Id": "am-android-google",
"User-Agent": "Android-Finsky/4.4.3 (api=3,versionCode=8013013,sdk=24,device=angler,hardware=angler,product=angler)",
"X-DFE-SmallestScreenWidthDp": "335",
"X-DFE-Filter-Level": "3",
"Accept-Encoding": "",
"Host": ""
if datapost is not None:
headers["Content-Type"] = post_content_type
url = "" % path
if datapost is not None:
response =, data=str(datapost),
headers=headers, verify=ssl_verify)
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers,
data = response.content
message = googleplay_pb2.ResponseWrapper.FromString(data)
return message
def search(self, query, nb_results, offset=None):
"""Search for apps."""
path = "search?c=3&q=%s" % requests.utils.quote(query)
if (offset is not None):
path += "&o=%d" % int(offset)
message = self.executeRequestApi2(path)
response = message.payload.searchResponse
if len(response.doc) == 0:
raise DecodeError
remaining = int(nb_results) - len(response.doc[0].child)
messagenext = message
allmessages = message
while remaining > 0:
pathnext = response.doc[0].containerMetadata.nextPageUrl
messagenext = self.executeRequestApi2(pathnext)
remaining -= len(response.doc[0].child)
return allmessages.payload.searchResponse
def details(self, packageName):
"""Get app details from a package name.
packageName is the app unique ID (usually starting with 'com.')."""
path = "details?doc=%s" % requests.utils.quote(packageName)
message = self.executeRequestApi2(path)
return message.payload.detailsResponse
def bulkDetails(self, packageNames):
"""Get several apps details from a list of package names.
This is much more efficient than calling N times details() since it
requires only one request.
packageNames is a list of app ID (usually starting with 'com.')."""
path = "bulkDetails"
req = googleplay_pb2.BulkDetailsRequest()
data = req.SerializeToString()
message = self.executeRequestApi2(path,
return message.payload.bulkDetailsResponse
def browse(self, cat=None, ctr=None):
"""Browse categories.
cat (category ID) and ctr (subcategory ID) are used as filters."""
path = "browse?c=3"
if cat is not None:
path += "&cat=%s" % requests.utils.quote(cat)
if ctr is not None:
path += "&ctr=%s" % requests.utils.quote(ctr)
message = self.executeRequestApi2(path)
return message.payload.browseResponse
def list(self, cat, ctr=None, nb_results=None, offset=None):
"""List apps.
If ctr (subcategory ID) is None, returns a list of valid subcategories.
If ctr is provided, list apps within this subcategory."""
path = "list?c=3&cat=%s" % requests.utils.quote(cat)
if ctr is not None:
path += "&ctr=%s" % requests.utils.quote(ctr)
if nb_results is not None:
path += "&n=%s" % requests.utils.quote(nb_results)
if offset is not None:
path += "&o=%s" % requests.utils.quote(offset)
message = self.executeRequestApi2(path)
return message.payload.listResponse
def reviews(self, packageName, filterByDevice=False, sort=2,
nb_results=None, offset=None):
"""Browse reviews.
packageName is the app unique ID.
If filterByDevice is True, return only reviews for your device."""
path = "rev?doc=%s&sort=%d" % (requests.utils.quote(packageName), sort)
if (nb_results is not None):
path += "&n=%d" % int(nb_results)
if (offset is not None):
path += "&o=%d" % int(offset)
path += "&dfil=1"
message = self.executeRequestApi2(path)
return message.payload.reviewResponse
def download(self, packageName, versionCode,
offerType=1, progress_bar=False):
"""Download an app and return its raw data (APK file).
packageName is the app unique ID (usually starting with 'com.').
versionCode can be grabbed by using the details() method on the given
path = "purchase"
data = "ot=%d&doc=%s&vc=%d" % (offerType, packageName, versionCode)
message = self.executeRequestApi2(path, data)
response = message.payload.buyResponse.purchaseStatusResponse
if len(response.appDeliveryData.downloadAuthCookie) == 0:
raise DecodeError
url = response.appDeliveryData.downloadUrl
cookie = response.appDeliveryData.downloadAuthCookie[0]
cookies = {
str( str(cookie.value)
headers = {
"User-Agent": "AndroidDownloadManager/4.4.3 (Linux; U; " +
"Android 4.4.3; Nexus S Build/JRO03E)",
"Accept-Encoding": "",
if not progress_bar:
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers,
cookies=cookies, verify=ssl_verify)
return response.content
# If progress_bar is asked
from clint.textui import progress
response_content = str()
response = requests.get(url,
total_length = int(response.headers.get('content-length'))
for chunk in,
expected_size=(total_length/1024) + 1):
if chunk:
response_content += chunk
return response_content

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