2016-09-22 22:11:13 -07:00

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//! Makes drawing on ncurses windows easier.
use std::cmp::min;
use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
use utils::prefix_length;
use backend::Backend;
use B;
use theme::{BorderStyle, ColorStyle, Effect, Theme};
use vec::Vec2;
/// Convenient interface to draw on a subset of the screen.
pub struct Printer<'a> {
/// Offset into the window this printer should start drawing at.
pub offset: Vec2,
/// Size of the area we are allowed to draw on.
pub size: Vec2,
/// Whether the view to draw is currently focused or not.
pub focused: bool,
/// Currently used theme
pub theme: Theme,
backend: &'a B,
impl<'a> Printer<'a> {
/// Creates a new printer on the given window.
/// But nobody needs to know that.
pub fn new<T: Into<Vec2>>(size: T, theme: Theme, backend: &'a B) -> Self {
Printer {
offset: Vec2::zero(),
size: size.into(),
focused: true,
theme: theme,
backend: backend,
// TODO: use &mut self? We don't *need* it, but it may make sense.
// We don't want people to start calling prints in parallel?
/// Prints some text at the given position relative to the window.
pub fn print<S: Into<Vec2>>(&self, pos: S, text: &str) {
let p = pos.into();
if p.y >= self.size.y || p.x >= self.size.x {
// Do we have enough room for the entire line?
let room = self.size.x - p.x;
// We want the number of CHARACTERS, not bytes.
// (Actually we want the "width" of the string, see unicode-width)
let prefix_len = prefix_length(text.graphemes(true), room, "");
let text = &text[..prefix_len];
let p = p + self.offset;
B::print_at((p.x, p.y), text);
/// Prints a vertical line using the given character.
pub fn print_vline<T: Into<Vec2>>(&self, start: T, len: usize, c: &str) {
let p = start.into();
if p.y > self.size.y || p.x > self.size.x {
let len = min(len, self.size.y - p.y);
let p = p + self.offset;
for y in 0..len {
B::print_at((p.x, (p.y + y)), c);
/// Prints a horizontal line using the given character.
pub fn print_hline<T: Into<Vec2>>(&self, start: T, len: usize, c: &str) {
let p = start.into();
if p.y > self.size.y || p.x > self.size.x {
let len = min(len, self.size.x - p.x);
let p = p + self.offset;
for x in 0..len {
B::print_at((p.x + x, p.y), c);
/// Call the given closure with a colored printer,
/// that will apply the given color on prints.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// # use cursive::Printer;
/// # use cursive::theme;
/// # use cursive::B;
/// # let b = B{};
/// # let printer = Printer::new((6,4), theme::load_default(), &b);
/// printer.with_color(theme::ColorStyle::Highlight, |printer| {
/// printer.print((0,0), "This text is highlighted!");
/// });
/// ```
pub fn with_color<F>(&self, c: ColorStyle, f: F)
where F: FnOnce(&Printer)
B::with_color(c, || f(self));
/// Same as `with_color`, but apply a ncurses style instead,
/// like `ncurses::A_BOLD()` or `ncurses::A_REVERSE()`.
/// Will probably use a cursive enum some day.
pub fn with_effect<F>(&self, effect: Effect, f: F)
where F: FnOnce(&Printer)
B::with_effect(effect, || f(self));
/// Prints a rectangular box.
/// If `invert` is `true`, and the theme uses `Outset` borders, then the
/// box will use an "inset" style instead.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// # use cursive::Printer;
/// # use cursive::theme;
/// # use cursive::B;
/// # let b = B{};
/// # let printer = Printer::new((6,4), theme::load_default(), &b);
/// printer.print_box((0,0), (6,4), false);
/// ```
pub fn print_box<T: Into<Vec2>, S: Into<Vec2>>(&self, start: T, size: S,
invert: bool) {
let start = start.into();
let size = size.into();
if size.x < 2 || size.y < 2 {
let size = size - (1, 1);
self.with_high_border(invert, |s| {
s.print(start, "");
s.print(start + size.keep_y(), "");
s.print_hline(start + (1, 0), size.x - 1, "");
s.print_vline(start + (0, 1), size.y - 1, "");
self.with_low_border(invert, |s| {
s.print(start + size.keep_x(), "");
s.print(start + size, "");
s.print_hline(start + (1, 0) + size.keep_y(), size.x - 1, "");
s.print_vline(start + (0, 1) + size.keep_x(), size.y - 1, "");
/// Runs the given function using a color depending on the theme.
/// * If the theme's borders is `None`, return without calling `f`.
/// * If the theme's borders is "outset" and `invert` is `false`,
/// use `ColorStyle::Tertiary`.
/// * Otherwise, use `ColorStyle::Primary`.
pub fn with_high_border<F>(&self, invert: bool, f: F)
where F: FnOnce(&Printer)
let color = match self.theme.borders {
None => return,
Some(BorderStyle::Outset) if !invert => ColorStyle::Tertiary,
_ => ColorStyle::Primary,
self.with_color(color, f);
/// Runs the given function using a color depending on the theme.
/// * If the theme's borders is `None`, return without calling `f`.
/// * If the theme's borders is "outset" and `invert` is `true`,
/// use `ColorStyle::Tertiary`.
/// * Otherwise, use `ColorStyle::Primary`.
pub fn with_low_border<F>(&self, invert: bool, f: F)
where F: FnOnce(&Printer)
let color = match self.theme.borders {
None => return,
Some(BorderStyle::Outset) if invert => ColorStyle::Secondary,
_ => ColorStyle::Primary,
self.with_color(color, f);
/// Apply a selection style and call the given function.
/// * If `selection` is `false`, simply uses `ColorStyle::Primary`.
/// * If `selection` is `true`:
/// * If the printer currently has the focus,
/// uses `ColorStyle::Highlight`.
/// * Otherwise, uses `ColorStyle::HighlightInactive`.
pub fn with_selection<F: FnOnce(&Printer)>(&self, selection: bool, f: F) {
self.with_color(if selection {
if self.focused {
} else {
} else {
/// Prints a horizontal delimiter with side border `├` and `┤`.
pub fn print_hdelim<T: Into<Vec2>>(&self, start: T, len: usize) {
let start = start.into();
self.print(start, "");
self.print_hline(start + (1, 0), len - 2, "");
self.print(start + (len - 1, 0), "");
/// Returns a printer on a subset of this one's area.
pub fn sub_printer<S: Into<Vec2>, T: Into<Vec2>>(&'a self, offset: S,
size: T, focused: bool)
-> Printer<'a> {
let size = size.into();
let offset = offset.into().or_min(self.size);
Printer {
offset: self.offset + offset,
// We can't be larger than what remains
size: Vec2::min(self.size - offset, size),
focused: self.focused && focused,
theme: self.theme.clone(),
backend: self.backend,
/// Returns a sub-printer with the given offset.
pub fn offset<S: Into<Vec2>>(&self, offset: S, focused: bool) -> Printer {
self.sub_printer(offset, self.size, focused)