use Cursive; use Printer; use With; use direction; use event::{Callback, Event, EventResult, Key, MouseButton, MouseEvent}; use std::any::Any; use std::rc::Rc; use unicode_width::UnicodeWidthStr; use vec::Vec2; use view::ScrollBase; use view::Selector; use view::View; /// Represents a child from a [`ListView`]. /// /// [`ListView`]: struct.ListView.html pub enum ListChild { /// A single row, with a label and a view. Row(String, Box), /// A delimiter between groups. Delimiter, } impl ListChild { fn label(&self) -> &str { match *self { ListChild::Row(ref label, _) => label, _ => "", } } fn view(&mut self) -> Option<&mut View> { match *self { ListChild::Row(_, ref mut view) => Some(view.as_mut()), _ => None, } } } /// Displays a scrollable list of elements. pub struct ListView { children: Vec, scrollbase: ScrollBase, focus: usize, // This callback is called when the selection is changed. on_select: Option>, last_size: Vec2, } new_default!(ListView); impl ListView { /// Creates a new, empty `ListView`. pub fn new() -> Self { ListView { children: Vec::new(), scrollbase: ScrollBase::new(), focus: 0, on_select: None, last_size: Vec2::zero(), } } /// Returns the number of children, including delimiters. pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.children.len() } /// Returns `true` if this view contains no children. /// /// Returns `false` if at least a delimiter or a view is present. pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.children.is_empty() } /// Returns a reference to the children pub fn children(&self) -> &[ListChild] { &self.children[..] } /// Returns a reference to the child at the given position. pub fn get_row(&self, id: usize) -> &ListChild { &self.children[id] } /// Gives mutable access to the child at the given position. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if `id >= self.len()`. pub fn row_mut(&mut self, id: usize) -> &mut ListChild { &mut self.children[id] } /// Adds a view to the end of the list. pub fn add_child(&mut self, label: &str, mut view: V) { view.take_focus(direction::Direction::none()); self.children .push(ListChild::Row(label.to_string(), Box::new(view))); } /// Removes all children from this view. pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.children.clear(); self.focus = 0; } /// Adds a view to the end of the list. /// /// Chainable variant. pub fn child(self, label: &str, view: V) -> Self { self.with(|s| s.add_child(label, view)) } /// Adds a delimiter to the end of the list. pub fn add_delimiter(&mut self) { self.children.push(ListChild::Delimiter); } /// Adds a delimiter to the end of the list. /// /// Chainable variant. pub fn delimiter(self) -> Self { self.with(Self::add_delimiter) } /// Sets a callback to be used when an item is selected. pub fn set_on_select(&mut self, cb: F) where F: Fn(&mut Cursive, &String) + 'static, { self.on_select = Some(Rc::new(cb)); } /// Sets a callback to be used when an item is selected. /// /// Chainable variant. pub fn on_select(self, cb: F) -> Self where F: Fn(&mut Cursive, &String) + 'static, { self.with(|s| s.set_on_select(cb)) } /// Returns the index of the currently focused item. /// /// Panics if the list is empty. pub fn focus(&self) -> usize { self.focus } fn iter_mut<'a>( &'a mut self, from_focus: bool, source: direction::Relative ) -> Box + 'a> { match source { direction::Relative::Front => { let start = if from_focus { self.focus } else { 0 }; Box::new(self.children.iter_mut().enumerate().skip(start)) } direction::Relative::Back => { let end = if from_focus { self.focus + 1 } else { self.children.len() }; Box::new(self.children[..end].iter_mut().enumerate().rev()) } } } fn move_focus( &mut self, n: usize, source: direction::Direction ) -> EventResult { let i = if let Some(i) = source .relative(direction::Orientation::Vertical) .and_then(|rel| { // The iterator starts at the focused element. // We don't want that one. self.iter_mut(true, rel) .skip(1) .filter_map(|p| try_focus(p, source)) .take(n) .last() }) { i } else { return EventResult::Ignored; }; self.focus = i; self.scrollbase.scroll_to(self.focus); EventResult::Consumed(self.on_select.clone().map(|cb| { let i = self.focus(); let focused_string = String::from(self.children[i].label()); Callback::from_fn(move |s| cb(s, &focused_string)) })) } fn labels_width(&self) -> usize { self.children .iter() .map(ListChild::label) .map(UnicodeWidthStr::width) .max() .unwrap_or(0) } fn check_focus_grab(&mut self, event: &Event) { if let Event::Mouse { offset, position, event, } = *event { if !event.grabs_focus() { return; } let position = match position.checked_sub(offset) { None => return, Some(pos) => pos, }; if position.y > self.scrollbase.view_height { return; } // eprintln!("Rel pos: {:?}", position); // Now that we have a relative position, checks for buttons? let focus = position.y + self.scrollbase.start_line; if let ListChild::Row(_, ref mut view) = self.children[focus] { if view.take_focus(direction::Direction::none()) { self.focus = focus; } } } } } fn try_focus( (i, child): (usize, &mut ListChild), source: direction::Direction ) -> Option { match *child { ListChild::Delimiter => None, ListChild::Row(_, ref mut view) => if view.take_focus(source) { Some(i) } else { None }, } } impl View for ListView { fn draw(&self, printer: &Printer) { if self.children.is_empty() { return; } let offset = self.labels_width() + 1; debug!("Offset: {}", offset); self.scrollbase .draw(printer, |printer, i| match self.children[i] { ListChild::Row(ref label, ref view) => { printer.print((0, 0), label); view.draw(&printer.offset((offset, 0), i == self.focus)); } ListChild::Delimiter => (), }); } fn required_size(&mut self, req: Vec2) -> Vec2 { // We'll show 2 columns: the labels, and the views. let label_width = self.children .iter() .map(ListChild::label) .map(UnicodeWidthStr::width) .max() .unwrap_or(0); let view_size = self.children .iter_mut() .filter_map(ListChild::view) .map(|v| v.required_size(req).x) .max() .unwrap_or(0); if self.children.len() > req.y { Vec2::new(label_width + 1 + view_size + 2, req.y) } else { Vec2::new(label_width + 1 + view_size, self.children.len()) } } fn layout(&mut self, size: Vec2) { self.last_size = size; self.scrollbase.set_heights(size.y, self.children.len()); // We'll show 2 columns: the labels, and the views. let label_width = self.children .iter() .map(ListChild::label) .map(UnicodeWidthStr::width) .max() .unwrap_or(0); let spacing = 1; let scrollbar_width = if self.children.len() > size.y { 2 } else { 0 }; let available = size.x .saturating_sub(label_width + spacing + scrollbar_width); debug!("Available: {}", available); for child in self.children.iter_mut().filter_map(ListChild::view) { child.layout(Vec2::new(available, 1)); } } fn on_event(&mut self, event: Event) -> EventResult { if self.children.is_empty() { return EventResult::Ignored; } // First: some events can directly affect the ListView match event { Event::Mouse { event: MouseEvent::Press(MouseButton::Left), position, offset, } if position .checked_sub(offset) .map(|position| { self.scrollbase.start_drag(position, self.last_size.x) }) .unwrap_or(false) => { return EventResult::Consumed(None); } Event::Mouse { event: MouseEvent::Hold(MouseButton::Left), position, offset, } if self.scrollbase.is_dragging() => { position .checked_sub(offset) .map(|position| self.scrollbase.drag(position)); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } Event::Mouse { event: MouseEvent::Release(MouseButton::Left), .. } if self.scrollbase.is_dragging() => { self.scrollbase.release_grab(); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } _ => (), } // Then: some events can move the focus around. self.check_focus_grab(&event); // Send the event to the focused child. let labels_width = self.labels_width(); if let ListChild::Row(_, ref mut view) = self.children[self.focus] { let y = self.focus - self.scrollbase.start_line; let offset = (labels_width + 1, y); let result = view.on_event(event.relativized(offset)); if result.is_consumed() { return result; } } // If the child ignored this event, change the focus. match event { Event::Key(Key::Up) if self.focus > 0 => { self.move_focus(1, direction::Direction::down()) } Event::Key(Key::Down) if self.focus + 1 < self.children.len() => { self.move_focus(1, direction::Direction::up()) } Event::Key(Key::PageUp) => { self.move_focus(10, direction::Direction::down()) } Event::Key(Key::PageDown) => { self.move_focus(10, direction::Direction::up()) } Event::Key(Key::Home) | Event::Ctrl(Key::Home) => { self.move_focus( usize::max_value(), direction::Direction::back(), ) } Event::Key(Key::End) | Event::Ctrl(Key::End) => { self.move_focus( usize::max_value(), direction::Direction::front(), ) } Event::Key(Key::Tab) => { self.move_focus(1, direction::Direction::front()) } Event::Shift(Key::Tab) => { self.move_focus(1, direction::Direction::back()) } Event::Mouse { event: MouseEvent::WheelDown, .. } if self.scrollbase.can_scroll_down() => { self.scrollbase.scroll_down(5); EventResult::Consumed(None) } Event::Mouse { event: MouseEvent::WheelUp, .. } if self.scrollbase.can_scroll_up() => { self.scrollbase.scroll_up(5); EventResult::Consumed(None) } _ => EventResult::Ignored, } } fn take_focus(&mut self, source: direction::Direction) -> bool { let rel = source.relative(direction::Orientation::Vertical); let i = if let Some(i) = self.iter_mut( rel.is_none(), rel.unwrap_or(direction::Relative::Front), ).filter_map(|p| try_focus(p, source)) .next() { i } else { // No one wants to be in focus return false; }; self.focus = i; self.scrollbase.scroll_to(self.focus); true } fn call_on_any<'a>( &mut self, selector: &Selector, mut callback: Box, ) { for view in self.children.iter_mut().filter_map(ListChild::view) { view.call_on_any(selector, Box::new(|any| callback(any))); } } fn focus_view(&mut self, selector: &Selector) -> Result<(), ()> { if let Some(i) = self.children .iter_mut() .enumerate() .filter_map(|(i, v)| v.view().map(|v| (i, v))) .filter_map(|(i, v)| v.focus_view(selector).ok().map(|_| i)) .next() { self.focus = i; Ok(()) } else { Err(()) } } }