extern crate ncurses; /// User-input events and their effects. pub mod event; /// Defines various views to use when creating the layout. pub mod view; /// Makes drawing on ncurses windows easier. pub mod printer; /// 2D points. pub mod vec2; mod box_view; mod stack_view; mod text_view; mod div; use std::rc::Rc; use std::collections::HashMap; use view::View; use stack_view::StackView; use event::{EventResult,Callback}; /// Identifies a screen in the cursive ROOT. pub type ScreenId = usize; /// Central part of the cursive library. /// It initializes ncurses on creation and cleans up on drop. /// To use it, you should populate it with views, layouts and callbacks, /// then start the event loop with run(). /// /// It uses a list of screen, with one screen active at a time. pub struct Cursive { screens: Vec, active_screen: ScreenId, running: bool, global_callbacks: HashMap>, } impl Cursive { /// Creates a new Cursive root, and initialize ncurses. pub fn new() -> Self { ncurses::initscr(); ncurses::keypad(ncurses::stdscr, true); ncurses::noecho(); ncurses::curs_set(ncurses::CURSOR_VISIBILITY::CURSOR_INVISIBLE); let mut res = Cursive { screens: Vec::new(), active_screen: 0, running: true, global_callbacks: HashMap::new(), }; res.screens.push(StackView::new()); res } /// Returns a mutable reference to the currently active screen. pub fn screen_mut(&mut self) -> &mut StackView { let id = self.active_screen; self.screens.get_mut(id).unwrap() } /// Adds a new screen, and returns its ID. pub fn add_screen(&mut self) -> ScreenId { let res = self.screens.len(); self.screens.push(StackView::new()); res } /// Convenient method to create a new screen, and set it as active. pub fn add_active_screen(&mut self) -> ScreenId { let res = self.add_screen(); self.set_screen(res); res } /// Sets the active screen. Panics if no such screen exist. pub fn set_screen(&mut self, screen_id: ScreenId) { if screen_id >= self.screens.len() { panic!("Tried to set an invalid screen ID: {}, but only {} screens present.", screen_id, self.screens.len()); } self.active_screen = screen_id; } /// Adds a global callback, triggered on the given key press when no view catches it. pub fn add_global_callback(&mut self, key: i32, cb: F) where F: Fn(&mut Cursive) + 'static { self.global_callbacks.insert(key, Rc::new(Box::new(cb))); } /// Convenient method to add a layer to the current screen. pub fn add_layer(&mut self, view: T) { self.screen_mut().add_layer(view); } fn on_key_event(&mut self, ch: i32) { let cb = match self.global_callbacks.get(&ch) { None => return, Some(cb) => cb.clone(), }; cb(self); } /// Runs the event loop. /// It will wait for user input (key presses) and trigger callbacks accordingly. /// Blocks until quit() is called. pub fn run(&mut self) { while self.running { ncurses::refresh(); // Handle event let ch = ncurses::getch(); match self.screen_mut().on_key_event(ch) { EventResult::Ignored => self.on_key_event(ch), EventResult::Consumed(None) => (), EventResult::Consumed(Some(cb)) => cb(self), } } } pub fn quit(&mut self) { self.running = false; println!("Quitting now!"); } } impl Drop for Cursive { fn drop(&mut self) { ncurses::endwin(); } }