use cursive::views::{Dialog, DummyView, LinearLayout, RadioGroup}; // This example uses radio buttons. fn main() { let mut siv = cursive::default(); // We need to pre-create the groups for our RadioButtons. let mut color_group: RadioGroup = RadioGroup::new(); let mut size_group: RadioGroup = RadioGroup::new(); siv.add_layer( Dialog::new() .title("Make your selection") // We'll have two columns side-by-side .content( LinearLayout::horizontal() .child( LinearLayout::vertical() // The color group uses the label itself as stored value // By default, the first item is selected. .child(color_group.button_str("Red")) .child(color_group.button_str("Green")) .child(color_group.button_str("Blue")), ) // A DummyView is used as a spacer .child(DummyView) .child( LinearLayout::vertical() // For the size, we store a number separately .child(size_group.button(5, "Small")) // The initial selection can also be overriden .child(size_group.button(15, "Medium").selected()) // The large size is out of stock, sorry! .child(size_group.button(25, "Large").disabled()), ), ) .button("Ok", move |s| { // We retrieve the stored value for both group. let color = color_group.selection(); let size = size_group.selection(); s.pop_layer(); // And we simply print the result. let text = format!("Color: {}\nSize: {}cm", color, size); s.add_layer(Dialog::text(text).button("Ok", |s| s.quit())); }), );; }