extern crate cursive; use cursive::Cursive; use cursive::event::{Event, Key}; use cursive::traits::*; use cursive::views::{Dialog, EditView, OnEventView, TextArea}; fn main() { let mut siv = Cursive::new(); // The main dialog will just have a textarea. // Its size expand automatically with the content. siv.add_layer( Dialog::new() .title("Describe your issue") .padding((1, 1, 1, 0)) .content(TextArea::new().with_id("text")) .button("Ok", Cursive::quit), ); // We'll add a find feature! siv.add_layer(Dialog::info("Hint: press Ctrl-F to find in text!")); siv.add_global_callback(Event::CtrlChar('f'), |s| { // When Ctrl-F is pressed, show the Find popup. // Pressing the Escape key will discard it. s.add_layer( OnEventView::new( Dialog::new() .title("Find") .content( EditView::new() .on_submit(find) .with_id("edit") .min_width(10), ) .button("Ok", |s| { let text = s.call_on_id( "edit", |view: &mut EditView| view.get_content(), ).unwrap(); find(s, &text); }) .button("Cancel", |s| s.pop_layer()), ).on_event(Event::Key(Key::Esc), |s| s.pop_layer()), ) }); siv.run(); } fn find(siv: &mut Cursive, text: &str) { // First, remove the find popup siv.pop_layer(); let res = siv.call_on_id("text", |v: &mut TextArea| { // Find the given text from the text area content // Possible improvement: search after the current cursor. if let Some(i) = v.get_content().find(text) { // If we found it, move the cursor v.set_cursor(i); Ok(()) } else { // Otherwise, return an error so we can show a warning. Err(()) } }); if let Some(Err(())) = res { // If we didn't find anything, tell the user! siv.add_layer(Dialog::info(format!("`{}` not found", text))); } }