extern crate termion; extern crate chan_signal; use ::backend; use ::event::{Event, Key}; use self::termion::color as tcolor; use self::termion::event::Key as TKey; use self::termion::input::TermRead; use self::termion::raw::IntoRawMode; use self::termion::style as tstyle; use std::cell::Cell; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::fmt; use std::io::Write; use std::thread; use std::time; use chan; use ::theme; pub struct Concrete { terminal: termion::raw::RawTerminal<::std::io::Stdout>, current_style: Cell, colors: BTreeMap, Box)>, input: chan::Receiver, resize: chan::Receiver, timeout: Option, } trait Effectable { fn on(&self); fn off(&self); } struct ColorRef<'a>(&'a tcolor::Color); impl<'a> tcolor::Color for ColorRef<'a> { #[inline] fn write_fg(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { self.0.write_fg(f) } #[inline] fn write_bg(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { self.0.write_bg(f) } } impl Effectable for theme::Effect { fn on(&self) { match *self { theme::Effect::Simple => (), theme::Effect::Reverse => print!("{}", tstyle::Invert), } } fn off(&self) { match *self { theme::Effect::Simple => (), theme::Effect::Reverse => print!("{}", tstyle::NoInvert), } } } fn apply_colors(fg: &tcolor::Color, bg: &tcolor::Color) { print!("{}{}", tcolor::Fg(ColorRef(fg)), tcolor::Bg(ColorRef(bg))); } impl Concrete { fn apply_colorstyle(&self, color_style: theme::ColorStyle) { let (ref fg, ref bg) = self.colors[&color_style.id()]; apply_colors(&**fg, &**bg); } } impl backend::Backend for Concrete { fn init() -> Self { print!("{}", termion::cursor::Hide); let resize = chan_signal::notify(&[chan_signal::Signal::WINCH]); let terminal = ::std::io::stdout().into_raw_mode().unwrap(); let (sender, receiver) = chan::async(); // TODO: use signal_chan crate thread::spawn(move || { for key in ::std::io::stdin().keys() { if let Ok(key) = key { sender.send(map_key(key)) } } }); let backend = Concrete { terminal: terminal, current_style: Cell::new(theme::ColorStyle::Background), colors: BTreeMap::new(), input: receiver, resize: resize, timeout: None, }; backend } fn finish(&mut self) { print!("{}{}", termion::cursor::Show, termion::cursor::Goto(1, 1)); print!("{}[49m{}[39m{}", 27 as char, 27 as char, termion::clear::All); } fn init_color_style(&mut self, style: theme::ColorStyle, foreground: &theme::Color, background: &theme::Color) { // Step 1: convert foreground and background into proper termion Color self.colors.insert(style.id(), (colour_to_termion_colour(foreground), colour_to_termion_colour(background))); } fn with_color(&self, color: theme::ColorStyle, f: F) { // TODO: actually use colors // TODO: careful! need to remember the previous state // and apply it back let current_style = self.current_style.get(); self.apply_colorstyle(color); self.current_style.set(color); f(); self.current_style.set(current_style); self.apply_colorstyle(current_style); } fn with_effect(&self, effect: theme::Effect, f: F) { // TODO: actually use effects // TODO: careful! need to remember the previous state // and apply it back effect.on(); f(); effect.off(); } fn has_colors(&self) -> bool { // TODO: color support detection? true } fn screen_size(&self) -> (usize, usize) { let (x, y) = termion::terminal_size().unwrap_or((1, 1)); (x as usize, y as usize) } fn clear(&self) { self.apply_colorstyle(theme::ColorStyle::Background); print!("{}", termion::clear::All); } fn refresh(&mut self) { self.terminal.flush().unwrap(); } fn print_at(&self, (x, y): (usize, usize), text: &str) { // TODO: terminals are 1-based. Should we add 1 here? print!("{}{}", termion::cursor::Goto(x as u16, y as u16), text); } fn set_refresh_rate(&mut self, fps: u32) { // TODO: handle async refresh, when no input is entered. // Could be done with a timeout on the event polling, // if it was supportedd. self.timeout = Some(1000 / fps as u32); } fn poll_event(&self) -> Event { // TODO: select! on the input and SIGWINCH signal channel. // TODO: also handle timeout... recv_timeout? let input = &self.input; let resize = &self.resize; if let Some(timeout) = self.timeout { let timeout = chan::after_ms(timeout); chan_select!{ timeout.recv() => return Event::Refresh, resize.recv() => return Event::WindowResize, input.recv() -> input => return input.unwrap(), } } else { chan_select!{ resize.recv() => return Event::WindowResize, input.recv() -> input => return input.unwrap(), } } } } fn map_key(key: TKey) -> Event { match key { TKey::Esc => Event::Key(Key::Esc), TKey::Backspace => Event::Key(Key::Backspace), TKey::Left => Event::Key(Key::Left), TKey::Right => Event::Key(Key::Right), TKey::Up => Event::Key(Key::Up), TKey::Down => Event::Key(Key::Down), TKey::Home => Event::Key(Key::Home), TKey::End => Event::Key(Key::End), TKey::PageUp => Event::Key(Key::PageUp), TKey::PageDown => Event::Key(Key::PageDown), TKey::Delete => Event::Key(Key::Del), TKey::Insert => Event::Key(Key::Ins), TKey::F(i) if i < 12 => Event::Key(Key::from_f(i)), TKey::F(j) => Event::Unknown(-(j as i32)), TKey::Char('\n') => Event::Key(Key::Enter), TKey::Char('\t') => Event::Key(Key::Tab), TKey::Char(c) => Event::Char(c), TKey::Ctrl('c') => Event::Exit, TKey::Ctrl(c) => Event::CtrlChar(c), TKey::Alt(c) => Event::AltChar(c), _ => Event::Unknown(-1), } } fn colour_to_termion_colour(clr: &theme::Color) -> Box { match *clr { theme::Color::Dark(theme::BaseColor::Black) => Box::new(tcolor::Black), theme::Color::Dark(theme::BaseColor::Red) => Box::new(tcolor::Red), theme::Color::Dark(theme::BaseColor::Green) => Box::new(tcolor::Green), theme::Color::Dark(theme::BaseColor::Yellow) => { Box::new(tcolor::Yellow) } theme::Color::Dark(theme::BaseColor::Blue) => Box::new(tcolor::Blue), theme::Color::Dark(theme::BaseColor::Magenta) => { Box::new(tcolor::Magenta) } theme::Color::Dark(theme::BaseColor::Cyan) => Box::new(tcolor::Cyan), theme::Color::Dark(theme::BaseColor::White) => Box::new(tcolor::White), theme::Color::Light(theme::BaseColor::Black) => { Box::new(tcolor::LightBlack) } theme::Color::Light(theme::BaseColor::Red) => { Box::new(tcolor::LightRed) } theme::Color::Light(theme::BaseColor::Green) => { Box::new(tcolor::LightGreen) } theme::Color::Light(theme::BaseColor::Yellow) => { Box::new(tcolor::LightYellow) } theme::Color::Light(theme::BaseColor::Blue) => { Box::new(tcolor::LightBlue) } theme::Color::Light(theme::BaseColor::Magenta) => { Box::new(tcolor::LightMagenta) } theme::Color::Light(theme::BaseColor::Cyan) => { Box::new(tcolor::LightCyan) } theme::Color::Light(theme::BaseColor::White) => { Box::new(tcolor::LightWhite) } theme::Color::Rgb(r, g, b) => Box::new(tcolor::Rgb(r, g, b)), theme::Color::RgbLowRes(r, g, b) => { Box::new(tcolor::AnsiValue::rgb(r, g, b)) } } }