use cursive::traits::*; use cursive::views; use std::io::{Read as _, Write as _}; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; // This example builds a simple TCP server with some parameters and some output. // It then builds a TUI to control the parameters and display the output. fn main() { let mut siv = cursive::Cursive::default(); // Build a shared model let model = Arc::new(Mutex::new(ModelData { offset: 10, logs: Vec::new(), cb_sink: siv.cb_sink().clone(), })); // Start the TCP server in a thread start_server(Arc::clone(&model)); // Build the UI from the model siv.add_layer( views::Dialog::around(build_ui(Arc::clone(&model))) .button("Quit", |s| s.quit()), );; } struct ModelData { /// The offset will be controlled by the UI and used in the server offset: u8, /// Logs will be filled by the server and displayed on the UI logs: Vec, /// A callback sink is used to control the UI from the server /// (eg. force refresh, error popups) cb_sink: cursive::CbSink, } // Here we use a single mutex, but bigger models might // prefer individual mutexes for different variables. type Model = Arc>; #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct LogEntry { input: u8, output: u8, } /// Starts serving on a separate thread, and show a popup on error. fn start_server(model: Model) { std::thread::spawn(move || { if let Err(err) = serve(Arc::clone(&model)) { let model = model.lock().unwrap(); model .cb_sink .send(Box::new(move |s: &mut cursive::Cursive| { s.add_layer( views::Dialog::text(format!("{:?}", err)) .title("Error in TCP server") .button("Quit", |s| s.quit()), ); })) .unwrap(); } }); } /// Starts a simple, single-threaded TCP server. /// Adds a configurable offset to each byte received and sent it back. fn serve(model: Model) -> std::io::Result<()> { // Bind on some local address let listener = std::net::TcpListener::bind("localhost:1234")?; // Handle each connection sequentially for stream in listener.incoming() { let stream = stream?; // Process each byte according to the current model. for byte in (&stream).bytes() { let byte = byte?; let mut model = model.lock().unwrap(); let response = byte.wrapping_add(model.offset); (&stream).write_all(&[response])?; // Save processed jobs model.logs.push(LogEntry { input: byte, output: response, }); // Send a noop to refresh the display model .cb_sink .send(Box::new(cursive::Cursive::noop)) .unwrap(); } } Ok(()) } /// Build the UI for the given model. fn build_ui(model: Model) -> impl cursive::view::View { // Build the UI in 3 parts, stacked together in a LinearLayout. views::LinearLayout::vertical() .child(build_selector(Arc::clone(&model))) .child(build_tester(Arc::clone(&model))) .child(views::DummyView.fixed_height(1)) .child(build_log_viewer(Arc::clone(&model))) } /// Build a view that shows processed jobs from the model. fn build_log_viewer(model: Model) -> impl cursive::view::View { views::Canvas::new(model) .with_draw(|model, printer| { let model = model.lock().unwrap(); for (i, &log) in model.logs.iter().enumerate() { printer.print( (0, i), &format!( "{:3} '{}' -> {:3} '{}'", log.input, readable_char(log.input), log.output, readable_char(log.output), ), ); } }) .with_required_size(|model, _req| { let model = model.lock().unwrap(); cursive::Vec2::new(20, model.logs.len()) }) .scrollable() } /// Pretty print an ascii u8 if possible. fn readable_char(byte: u8) -> char { if byte.is_ascii_control() { '�' } else { byte as char } } /// Build a view that can update the model. fn build_selector(model: Model) -> impl cursive::view::View { let offset = model.lock().unwrap().offset; views::LinearLayout::horizontal() .child( views::EditView::new() .content(format!("{}", offset)) .with_id("edit") .min_width(5), ) .child(views::DummyView.fixed_width(1)) .child(views::Button::new("Update", move |s| { if let Some(n) = s .call_on_id("edit", |edit: &mut views::EditView| { edit.get_content() }) .and_then(|content| content.parse().ok()) { model.lock().unwrap().offset = n; } else { s.add_layer(views::Dialog::info( "Could not parse offset as u8", )); } })) } /// Build a view that can run test connections. fn build_tester(model: Model) -> impl cursive::view::View { views::LinearLayout::horizontal() .child(views::TextView::new("Current value:")) .child(views::DummyView.fixed_width(1)) .child( views::Canvas::new(model) .with_draw(|model, printer| { printer.print( (0, 0), &format!("{}", model.lock().unwrap().offset), ) }) .with_required_size(|_, _| cursive::Vec2::new(3, 1)), ) .child(views::DummyView.fixed_width(1)) .child(views::Button::new("Test", |s| { if let Err(err) = test_server() { s.add_layer( views::Dialog::info(format!("{:?}", err)) .title("Error running test."), ); } })) } /// Run a test connection. fn test_server() -> std::io::Result<()> { let mut stream = std::net::TcpStream::connect("localhost:1234")?; for &byte in b"cursive123" { let mut buf = [0]; stream.write_all(&[byte])?; stream.read_exact(&mut buf)?; } Ok(()) }