extern crate cursive; extern crate rand; use rand::Rng; use cursive::prelude::*; use cursive::view::Counter; use std::thread; use std::cmp::min; use std::time::Duration; fn main() { let mut siv = Cursive::new(); // We'll start slowly with a simple start button... siv.add_layer(Dialog::empty() .title("Progress bar example") .padding((0, 0, 1, 1)) .content(Button::new("Start", phase_1))); // Auto-refresh is currently required for animated views siv.set_fps(30); siv.run(); } // Function to simulate a long process. fn fake_load(n_max: usize, counter: Counter) { for _ in 0..n_max { thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(5)); // The `counter.tick()` method increases the progress value counter.tick(1); } } fn phase_1(s: &mut Cursive) { // Phase 1 is easy: a simple pre-loading. // Number of ticks let n_max = 500; // This is the callback channel let cb = s.cb_sink().clone(); s.pop_layer(); s.add_layer(Panel::new(FullView::full_width(ProgressBar::new() .range(0, n_max) .with_task(move |counter| { // This closure will be called in a separate thread. fake_load(n_max, counter); // When we're done, send a callback through the channel cb.send(Box::new(coffee_break)).unwrap(); })))); } fn coffee_break(s: &mut Cursive) { // A little break before things get serious. s.pop_layer(); s.add_layer(Dialog::empty() .title("Preparation complete") .content(TextView::new("Now, the real deal!").center()) .button("Again??", phase_2)); } fn phase_2(s: &mut Cursive) { // Now, we'll run N tasks // (It could be downloading a file, extracting an archive, // reticulating sprites, ...) let n_bars = 10; // Each task will have its own shiny counter let counters: Vec<_> = (0..n_bars).map(|_| Counter::new(0)).collect(); // To make things more interesting, we'll give a random speed to each bar let speeds: Vec<_> = (0..n_bars).map(|_| rand::thread_rng().gen_range(50, 150)).collect(); let n_max = 100000; let cb = s.cb_sink().clone(); // Let's prepare the progress bars... let mut linear = LinearLayout::vertical(); for c in &counters { linear.add_child(ProgressBar::new() .max(n_max) .with_value(c.clone())); } s.pop_layer(); s.add_layer(Dialog::new(FullView::full_width(linear)) .title("Just a moment...")); // And we start the worker thread. thread::spawn(move || { loop { thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(5)); let mut done = true; for (c, s) in counters.iter().zip(&speeds) { let ticks = min(n_max - c.get(), *s); c.tick(ticks); if c.get() < n_max { done = false; } } if done { break; } } cb.send(Box::new(final_step)).unwrap(); }); } fn final_step(s: &mut Cursive) { // A little break before things get serious. s.pop_layer(); s.add_layer(Dialog::empty() .title("Report") .content(TextView::new("Time travel was a success!\n\ We went forward a few seconds!!") .center()) .button("That's it?", |s| s.quit())); }