extern crate cursive; extern crate rand; mod game; use cursive::Cursive; use cursive::Printer; use cursive::direction::Direction; use cursive::event::{Event, EventResult, MouseButton, MouseEvent}; use cursive::theme::{BaseColor, Color, ColorStyle}; use cursive::vec::Vec2; use cursive::views::{Button, Dialog, LinearLayout, Panel, SelectView}; fn main() { let mut siv = Cursive::default(); siv.add_layer( Dialog::new() .title("Minesweeper") .padding((2, 2, 1, 1)) .content( LinearLayout::vertical() .child(Button::new_raw(" New game ", show_options)) .child(Button::new_raw(" Best scores ", |s| { s.add_layer(Dialog::info("Not yet!").title("Scores")) })) .child(Button::new_raw(" Exit ", |s| s.quit())), ), ); siv.run(); } fn show_options(siv: &mut Cursive) { siv.add_layer( Dialog::new() .title("Select difficulty") .content( SelectView::new() .item( "Easy: 8x8, 10 mines", game::Options { size: Vec2::new(8, 8), mines: 10, }, ) .item( "Medium: 16x16, 40 mines", game::Options { size: Vec2::new(16, 16), mines: 40, }, ) .item( "Difficult: 24x24, 99 mines", game::Options { size: Vec2::new(24, 24), mines: 99, }, ) .on_submit(|s, option| { s.pop_layer(); new_game(s, *option); }), ) .dismiss_button("Back"), ); } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] enum Cell { Visible(usize), Flag, Unknown, } struct BoardView { // Actual board, unknown to the player. board: game::Board, // Visible board overlay: Vec, focused: Option, missing_mines: usize, } impl BoardView { pub fn new(options: game::Options) -> Self { let overlay = vec![Cell::Unknown; options.size.x * options.size.y]; let board = game::Board::new(options); BoardView { board, overlay, focused: None, missing_mines: options.mines, } } fn get_cell(&self, mouse_pos: Vec2, offset: Vec2) -> Option { mouse_pos .checked_sub(offset) .map(|pos| pos.map_x(|x| x / 2)) .and_then(|pos| { if pos.fits_in(self.board.size) { Some(pos) } else { None } }) } fn flag(&mut self, pos: Vec2) { if let Some(i) = self.board.cell_id(pos) { let new_cell = match self.overlay[i] { Cell::Unknown => Cell::Flag, Cell::Flag => Cell::Unknown, other => other, }; self.overlay[i] = new_cell; } } fn reveal(&mut self, pos: Vec2) -> EventResult { if let Some(i) = self.board.cell_id(pos) { if self.overlay[i] != Cell::Unknown { return EventResult::Consumed(None); } // Action! match self.board.cells[i] { game::Cell::Bomb => { return EventResult::with_cb(|s| { s.add_layer(Dialog::text("BOOOM").button("Ok", |s| { s.pop_layer(); s.pop_layer(); })); }) } game::Cell::Free(n) => { self.overlay[i] = Cell::Visible(n); if n == 0 { // Reveal all surrounding cells for p in self.board.neighbours(pos) { self.reveal(p); } } } } } return EventResult::Consumed(None); } fn auto_reveal(&mut self, pos: Vec2) -> EventResult { if let Some(i) = self.board.cell_id(pos) { if let Cell::Visible(n) = self.overlay[i] { // First: is every possible cell tagged? let neighbours = self.board.neighbours(pos); let tagged = neighbours .iter() .filter_map(|&pos| self.board.cell_id(pos)) .map(|i| self.overlay[i]) .filter(|&cell| cell == Cell::Flag) .count(); if tagged != n { return EventResult::Consumed(None); } for p in neighbours { let result = self.reveal(p); if result.has_callback() { return result; } } } } EventResult::Consumed(None) } } impl cursive::view::View for BoardView { fn draw(&self, printer: &Printer) { for (i, cell) in self.overlay.iter().enumerate() { let x = (i % self.board.size.x) * 2; let y = i / self.board.size.x; let text = match *cell { Cell::Unknown => "[]", Cell::Flag => "()", Cell::Visible(n) => { [" ", " 1", " 2", " 3", " 4", " 5", " 6", " 7", " 8"][n] } }; let color = match *cell { Cell::Unknown => Color::RgbLowRes(3, 3, 3), Cell::Flag => Color::RgbLowRes(4, 4, 2), Cell::Visible(1) => Color::RgbLowRes(3, 5, 3), Cell::Visible(2) => Color::RgbLowRes(5, 5, 3), Cell::Visible(3) => Color::RgbLowRes(5, 4, 3), Cell::Visible(4) => Color::RgbLowRes(5, 3, 3), Cell::Visible(5) => Color::RgbLowRes(5, 2, 2), Cell::Visible(6) => Color::RgbLowRes(5, 0, 1), Cell::Visible(7) => Color::RgbLowRes(5, 0, 2), Cell::Visible(8) => Color::RgbLowRes(5, 0, 3), _ => Color::Dark(BaseColor::White), }; printer.with_color( ColorStyle::new(Color::Dark(BaseColor::Black), color), |printer| printer.print((x, y), text), ); } } fn take_focus(&mut self, _: Direction) -> bool { true } fn on_event(&mut self, event: Event) -> EventResult { match event { Event::Mouse { offset, position, event: MouseEvent::Press(btn), } => { // Get cell for position if let Some(pos) = self.get_cell(position, offset) { self.focused = Some(pos); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } } Event::Mouse { offset, position, event: MouseEvent::Release(btn), } => { // Get cell for position if let Some(pos) = self.get_cell(position, offset) { if self.focused == Some(pos) { // We got a click here! match btn { MouseButton::Left => return self.reveal(pos), MouseButton::Right => { self.flag(pos); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } MouseButton::Middle => { return self.auto_reveal(pos); } _ => (), } } self.focused = None; } } _ => (), } EventResult::Ignored } fn required_size(&mut self, _: Vec2) -> Vec2 { self.board.size.map_x(|x| 2 * x) } } fn new_game(siv: &mut Cursive, options: game::Options) { let board = game::Board::new(options); siv.add_layer( Dialog::new() .title("Minesweeper") .content( LinearLayout::horizontal() .child(Panel::new(BoardView::new(options))), ) .button("Quit game", |s| { s.pop_layer(); }), ); siv.add_layer(Dialog::info( "Controls: Reveal cell: left click Mark as mine: right-click Reveal nearby unmarked cells: middle-click", )); }