use cursive::align::HAlign; use cursive::event::EventResult; use cursive::traits::*; use cursive::views::{Dialog, OnEventView, SelectView, TextView}; use cursive::Cursive; // We'll use a SelectView here. // // A SelectView is a scrollable list of items, from which the user can select // one. fn main() { let mut select = SelectView::new() // Center the text horizontally .h_align(HAlign::Center) // Use keyboard to jump to the pressed letters .autojump(); // Read the list of cities from separate file, and fill the view with it. // (We include the file at compile-time to avoid runtime read errors.) let content = include_str!("../../assets/cities.txt"); select.add_all_str(content.lines()); // Sets the callback for when "Enter" is pressed. select.set_on_submit(show_next_window); // Let's override the `j` and `k` keys for navigation let select = OnEventView::new(select) .on_pre_event_inner('k', |s, _| { let cb = s.select_up(1); Some(EventResult::Consumed(Some(cb))) }) .on_pre_event_inner('j', |s, _| { let cb = s.select_down(1); Some(EventResult::Consumed(Some(cb))) }); let mut siv = cursive::default(); // Let's add a ResizedView to keep the list at a reasonable size // (it can scroll anyway). siv.add_layer( Dialog::around(select.scrollable().fixed_size((20, 10))) .title("Where are you from?"), );; } // Let's put the callback in a separate function to keep it clean, // but it's not required. fn show_next_window(siv: &mut Cursive, city: &str) { siv.pop_layer(); let text = format!("{} is a great city!", city); siv.add_layer( Dialog::around(TextView::new(text)).button("Quit", |s| s.quit()), ); }