import {MathjaxAdapter} from "./mathjax-adapter"; import {hoverAreaAroundElements} from "./mathjax-style-hacks"; declare let window: { svgPanZoomFun: (svg: SVGElement, options: { fit: boolean; controlIconsEnabled: boolean; customEventsHandler: { init: (options: any) => void; haltEventListeners: string[]; destroy: () => void }; }) => void; } // these attributes and functions are supported by major browsers, but TS does not know about them declare global { interface SVGElement { getElementById: (id: string) => SVGGraphicsElement | null; viewBox: SVGAnimatedRect; } interface SVGGraphicsElement { getTransformToElement: (other: SVGGraphicsElement) => SVGMatrix; } interface SVGTransformList { [index: number]: SVGTransform; } } interface ProofTreeServer { setStepCount: (count: number) => void; } class MathjaxProofTree extends MathjaxAdapter { private steps: [SVGElement, SVGElement[]][] = []; private $server: ProofTreeServer | undefined; protected showStep(n: number): void { for (let current = 0; current < this.steps.length; current++) { this.steps[current][0].style.display = "none"; for (const node of this.steps[current][1]) { = "none"; } } for (let current = 0; current < this.steps.length && current <= n; current++) { this.steps[current][0].style.display = ""; for (const node of this.steps[current][1]) { = ""; } } } protected calculateSteps(extraData: any): void { const data = typeof extraData === "string" ? JSON.parse(extraData) : []; const root = this.shadowRoot!; // setup style container for styles applied on hover let hoverStyles = root.querySelector("#typicalc-hover-styles"); if (!hoverStyles) { hoverStyles = document.createElement('style'); = "typicalc-hover-styles"; root.querySelector("mjx-head")!.appendChild(hoverStyles); } const unificationEl =!.parentElement!.querySelector("tc-unification")!; let hoverStylesUnification = unificationEl.shadowRoot!.querySelector("#typicalc-hover-styles"); if (!hoverStylesUnification) { hoverStylesUnification = document.createElement('style'); = "typicalc-hover-styles"; unificationEl.shadowRoot!.querySelector("mjx-head")!.appendChild(hoverStylesUnification); } // set the size of the rendered SVG to the size of the container element if (!root.querySelector("#style-fixes")) { const style = document.createElement('style'); style.innerHTML = "\ mjx-doc, mjx-body, mjx-container, #tc-content, svg {\ height: 100%;\ }\ mjx-container {\ margin: 0 !important;\ }\ #typicalc-definition-abs, #typicalc-definition-abs-let, #typicalc-definition-app,\ #typicalc-definition-const, #typicalc-definition-var, #typicalc-definition-var-let, #typicalc-definition-let {\ display: none;\ border: 2px solid red;\ }" + hoverAreaAroundElements; style.innerHTML += "svg { width: 100%; }"; = "style-fixes"; root.querySelector("mjx-head")!.appendChild(style); } const semanticsMatch = (semantics: string) => semantics.indexOf("bspr_inference:") >= 0; const inferenceRuleSelector = 'g[semantics="bspr_inferenceRule:down"]'; const labelSelector = 'g[semantics="bspr_prooflabel:left"]'; const stepSelector = 'g[typicalc="step"]'; // space between inference premises const padding = 300; console.log("calculating steps.."); if (this.shadowRoot !== null) { console.time('stepCalculation'); const svg = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("svg")!; let root = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#typicalc-prooftree")! as SVGElement; while (!root.getAttribute("semantics")) { root = root.parentNode! as SVGElement; } // first, enumerate all of the steps let stepIdx = 0; for (const a of [root, ...root.querySelectorAll("g[semantics]")]) { let semantics = a.getAttribute("semantics")!; if (semanticsMatch(semantics)) { a.setAttribute("typicalc", "step"); a.setAttribute("id", "step" + stepIdx); stepIdx++; } } // then create the steps let steps: [SVGElement, SVGElement[]][] = []; stepIdx = 0; for (const a of [root, ...root.querySelectorAll("g[semantics]")]) { let semantics = a.getAttribute("semantics")!; if (semanticsMatch(semantics)) { const id = "step" + stepIdx; const idSelector = `#${id} `; stepIdx++; // find the next one/two steps above this one const aboveStep1 = a.querySelector(idSelector + stepSelector); let above = []; if (aboveStep1 != null) { const parent = aboveStep1.parentElement!.parentElement!; parent.setAttribute("id", "typicalc-selector"); for (const node of parent.querySelectorAll('#typicalc-selector > g > ' + stepSelector)) { above.push(node); } parent.removeAttribute("id"); } const rule = a.querySelector(idSelector + inferenceRuleSelector); if (rule !== null) { let i = 0; for (const node of rule.children) { if (i !== 1) { above.push(node as SVGElement); } i += 1; } } const label = a.querySelector(idSelector + labelSelector); if (label) { above.push(label); } if (stepIdx === 1) { // initial step should not show premises steps.push([a, []]); } steps.push([a, above]); } } // limit start zoom svg.viewBox.baseVal.width = Math.min(100000, svg.viewBox.baseVal.width); svg.viewBox.baseVal.width = Math.max(20000, svg.viewBox.baseVal.width); // MathJax layout of bussproofs is sometimes wrong: // // // we fix it in two phases (executed at the same time): // 1. fix overlapping by iterating over "rows" in the SVG created by MathJax // in each row, the elements are arranged to not overlap // 2. place inference conclusions under the center of their line const nodeIterator = [...root.querySelectorAll("g[data-mml-node='mtr']," + inferenceRuleSelector)]; console.log(`working with ${nodeIterator.length} nodes`); // start layout fixes in the innermost part of the SVG nodeIterator.reverse(); for (const row of nodeIterator) { const semantics = row.getAttribute("semantics"); if (semantics === "bspr_inferenceRule:down") { const conclusion = row.children[1].querySelector('g[data-mml-node="mstyle"]')!; const conclusionBox = conclusion.getBBox(); const line = row.children[2] as SVGGraphicsElement; const bbox = line.getBBox(); const offset2 = line.getTransformToElement(conclusion); let dx = bbox.width / 2 + offset2.e - conclusionBox.width / 2; dx += Number(line.getAttribute("x1")); let table = row.parentNode as SVGGraphicsElement; let prevNode; let magicNumber = 0; while (table.getAttribute("semantics") !== "bspr_inferenceRule:down") { prevNode = table; table = table.parentNode as SVGGraphicsElement; if (table.getAttribute("data-mml-node") === "mtr" && table.childNodes.length === 3) { for (let i = 0; i < table.childNodes.length; i++) { if (table.childNodes[i] === prevNode) { magicNumber = i; } } } if (table === svg) { break; } } conclusion.transform.baseVal[0].matrix.e += dx; if (magicNumber !== 0) { continue; } if (table === svg) { break; // last step } const lineBelow = table.children[2] as SVGGraphicsElement; let lineStart = 0; if (lineBelow) { const offset1 = lineBelow.getTransformToElement(conclusion); lineStart = -offset1.e; const x1 = Number(lineBelow.getAttribute("x1")); const x2 = Number(lineBelow.getAttribute("x2")); lineBelow.setAttribute("x1", String(x1 + lineStart)); lineBelow.setAttribute("x2", String(x2 + lineStart)); } const label = table.parentElement!.children[1] as SVGGraphicsElement; if (label && label.transform) { label.transform.baseVal[0].matrix.e += lineStart; } } else { let left = null; let i = 0; for (const rawNode of row.children) { const node = rawNode as SVGGraphicsElement; if (i === 1 || i === 3) { i += 1; continue; // spacing node } const bbox = node.getBBox(); const mat = node.transform.baseVal[0]; if (mat) { bbox.x += mat.matrix.e; } // move box, and add padding between inference steps if (left == null) { // first box left = bbox.x + bbox.width; } else { // this box has some elements left of it // -> move to free space after other elements mat.matrix.e -= bbox.x - left - padding; left = bbox.x + mat.matrix.e + bbox.width; } if (i == 2) { let parentNode = node.parentNode! as SVGGraphicsElement; while (parentNode.getAttribute("semantics") !== "bspr_inferenceRule:down") { parentNode = parentNode.parentNode! as SVGGraphicsElement; } parentNode = parentNode.children[2] as SVGGraphicsElement; const rule = node.querySelector(inferenceRuleSelector); if (rule) { // this selector should be checked again when updating MathJax const term = rule.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[1].children[0] as SVGGraphicsElement; let w = -parentNode.getTransformToElement(term).e; w += term.getBBox().width; w += padding; parentNode.setAttribute("x2", w.toString()); } } i += 1; } } } const conclusion0 = root.querySelector(inferenceRuleSelector)!.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[1] as SVGGraphicsElement; const conclusionWidth = conclusion0.getBBox().width; const svgWidth = svg.viewBox.baseVal.width; const offset = (svg.children[1] as SVGGraphicsElement).getTransformToElement(conclusion0); (svg.children[1] as SVGGraphicsElement).transform.baseVal[0].matrix.e += offset.e + svgWidth / 2 - conclusionWidth / 2; console.timeEnd('stepCalculation'); const thisShadowRoot = this.shadowRoot; const hoverTextElID = "typicalc-hover-explainer"; let defElBackground: SVGRectElement | null; if (nodeIterator.length >= 3) { // should not be used on empty SVGs window.svgPanZoomFun(svg, { fit: false, controlIconsEnabled: true, customEventsHandler: { // Halt all touch events haltEventListeners: ['touchstart', 'touchend', 'touchmove', 'touchleave', 'touchcancel'], // Init custom events handler init: function(options) { const instance = options.instance; // Init Hammer // @ts-ignore this.hammer = Hammer(options.svgElement); // @ts-ignore this.hammer.get('pinch').set({enable: true}); // Handle double tap // @ts-ignore this.hammer.on('doubletap', () => { options.instance.zoomIn() }); let pannedX = 0; let pannedY = 0; // Handle pan // @ts-ignore this.hammer.on('panstart panmove', ev => { // On pan start reset panned variables if (ev.type === 'panstart') { pannedX = 0 pannedY = 0 } // Pan only the difference instance.panBy({x: ev.deltaX - pannedX, y: ev.deltaY - pannedY}) pannedX = ev.deltaX pannedY = ev.deltaY // also move the tooltip let explainer = thisShadowRoot.getElementById(hoverTextElID); if (explainer) { const ctm1 = svg.getBoundingClientRect(); const ctm2 = defElBackground!.getBoundingClientRect(); = (ctm2.left - ctm1.left) + "px"; = (ctm2.bottom - + "px"; // TODO(performance): this should be more efficient, but somehow flickers /* const dx = (ctm2.left - ctm1.left) - explainer.offsetLeft; const dy = (ctm2.bottom - - explainer.offsetTop; = "translate(" + dx + "px," + dy + "px)"; */ } }); let initialScale = 1; // Handle pinch // @ts-ignore this.hammer.on('pinchstart pinchmove', function(ev){ // On pinch start remember initial zoom if (ev.type === 'pinchstart') { initialScale = instance.getZoom() instance.zoomAtPoint(initialScale * ev.scale, {x:, y:}) } instance.zoomAtPoint(initialScale * ev.scale, {x:, y:}) }); // Prevent moving the page on some devices when panning over SVG options.svgElement.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e: TouchEvent){ e.preventDefault(); }); } // Destroy custom events handler , destroy: function(){ // @ts-ignore this.hammer.destroy() } } }); // add tooltips to buttons const zoomIn = document.createElementNS("", "title"); zoomIn.append(document.createTextNode("zoom in")); svg.getElementById("svg-pan-zoom-zoom-in")!.appendChild(zoomIn); const zoomOut = document.createElementNS("", "title"); zoomOut.append(document.createTextNode("zoom out")); svg.getElementById("svg-pan-zoom-zoom-out")!.appendChild(zoomOut); // move control to upper left corner let matrix = svg.getElementById("svg-pan-zoom-controls")!.transform.baseVal[0].matrix; matrix.e = 0; matrix.f = 0; } this.steps = steps; this.showStep(0); const viewport = svg.querySelector("#step0")!.parentNode as SVGGraphicsElement; const handleMouseEvent = (e: MouseEvent, mouseIn: boolean) => { let typeTarget =! as SVGGraphicsElement; let counter = 0; while (!typeTarget.classList.contains("typicalc-type") && !typeTarget.classList.contains("typicalc-label")) { typeTarget = typeTarget.parentNode! as SVGGraphicsElement; counter++; if (counter > 3) { return; } } let isType = typeTarget.classList.contains("typicalc-type"); let isLabel = typeTarget.classList.contains("typicalc-label"); if (mouseIn) { if (isType) { const typeClass = typeTarget.classList[1]; const css = "." + typeClass + " { color: red; }"; hoverStyles!.innerHTML = css; hoverStylesUnification!.innerHTML = css; } else if (isLabel) { let stepTarget = typeTarget; while (stepTarget.getAttribute("typicalc") !== "step" && counter < 15) { stepTarget = stepTarget.parentNode! as SVGGraphicsElement; counter++; } let stepIndex = stepTarget.getAttribute("typicalc") === "step" ? Number( : - 1; const defId = typeTarget.classList[1].replace("-label-", "-definition-"); const defEl = this.shadowRoot!.getElementById(defId)! as unknown as SVGGraphicsElement; const transform = viewport.getTransformToElement(typeTarget); const offsetX = -3000; const offsetY = 5500; = "block"; const svgRect = defEl.getBBox(); defEl.transform.baseVal[0].matrix.e = -transform.e - svgRect.width + offsetX + 1000; defEl.transform.baseVal[0].matrix.f = -transform.f - 5500 + offsetY; defElBackground = this.shadowRoot!.getElementById(defId + "-background") as SVGRectElement | null; if (!defElBackground) { defElBackground = document.createElementNS("", "rect"); = defId + "-background"; defElBackground.setAttribute("x", "0"); defElBackground.setAttribute("y", "0"); defElBackground.setAttribute("width", String(svgRect.width + 2000)); defEl.parentElement!.insertBefore(defElBackground, defEl); } defElBackground.setAttribute("x", String(-transform.e - svgRect.width + offsetX)); const defElBackgroundY = -transform.f - 7000 + offsetY; defElBackground.setAttribute("y", String(defElBackgroundY)); const defElBackgroundHeight = svgRect.height + 1000; defElBackground.setAttribute("height", String(defElBackgroundHeight)); defElBackground.setAttribute("fill", "yellow"); // calculate screen coordinates const ctm1 = svg.getBoundingClientRect(); const ctm2 = defElBackground.getBoundingClientRect(); const p = document.createElement("p"); = hoverTextElID; = String(99); = "absolute"; = (ctm2.left - ctm1.left) + "px"; = (ctm2.bottom - + "px"; = "white"; = "5px"; p.innerText = data[stepIndex]; // @ts-ignore window.MathJax.typesetPromise([p]) .then(() => { const svgRect2 = defElBackground!.getBBox(); const svgP = p.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0]; const relevantElement = svgP.childNodes[1]! as SVGGraphicsElement; const relevantElementBox = relevantElement.getBBox(); const relevantDefs = svgP.childNodes[0]!; const ourDefs = svg.getElementsByTagName("defs")[0]; while (relevantDefs.childNodes.length > 0) { ourDefs.appendChild(relevantDefs.childNodes[0]); } const insertionTarget = svg.getElementsByClassName("svg-pan-zoom_viewport")[0]; // remove previous tooltip, if possible let explainers = svg.getElementsByClassName(hoverTextElID); for (const explainer of explainers) { explainer.parentNode!.removeChild(explainer); } const g = insertionTarget.ownerDocument.createElementNS("", "g"); g.setAttribute("transform", "matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 0)"); g.transform.baseVal[0].matrix.f -= svgRect2.height; g.classList.add(hoverTextElID); g.appendChild(relevantElement); defEl.appendChild(g); // increase size of tooltip background const padY = 1000; defElBackground!.setAttribute("y", String(defElBackgroundY - relevantElementBox.height - padY)); defElBackground!.setAttribute("height", String(defElBackgroundHeight + relevantElementBox.height + padY)); thisShadowRoot.removeChild(p); }); this.shadowRoot!.appendChild(p); if (typeTarget.classList.length >= 3) { const stepId = typeTarget.classList[2]; hoverStylesUnification!.innerHTML = "." + stepId + " { color: red; }"; } } } else { if (isType) { hoverStyles!.innerHTML = ""; hoverStylesUnification!.innerHTML = ""; } else if (isLabel) { // remove previous tooltip, if possible let explainers = svg.getElementsByClassName(hoverTextElID); // do not use a for..of loop, it won't work while (explainers.length > 0) { const exp = explainers[0]; exp.parentNode!.removeChild(exp); } const defId = typeTarget.classList[1].replace("-label-", "-definition-"); this.shadowRoot!.getElementById(defId)!.style.display = "none"; let defElBackground = this.shadowRoot!.getElementById(defId + "-background"); defElBackground!.setAttribute("y", String(-10000)); defElBackground!.setAttribute("fill", "transparent"); if (typeTarget.classList.length >= 3) { hoverStylesUnification!.innerHTML = ""; } } } }; // listen for hover events on types // the class "typicalc-type" is set in LatexCreatorType and in LatexCreatorTerm svg.querySelector("#step0")!.addEventListener("mouseover", e => { handleMouseEvent(e as MouseEvent, true); }); svg.querySelector("#step0")!.addEventListener("mouseout", e => { handleMouseEvent(e as MouseEvent, false); }); // @ts-ignore = (e: MouseEvent, mouseIn: boolean) => { handleMouseEvent(e, mouseIn); } this.$server!.setStepCount(steps.length); } } } customElements.define('tc-proof-tree', MathjaxProofTree);