com.github.k4zmu2a.spacecadetpinball Space Cadet Pinball Space Cadet Pinball Game engine for Space Cadet Pinball

Reverse engineering of '3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet', a game bundled with Windows.

Game ArcadeGame SpaceCadetPinball.desktop SpaceCadetPinball

First bug fix release of cross-platform port.

Main highlights:

  • Improved Linux support: install target, icons, desktop shortcut, alternative data paths.
  • Improved game controller support.
  • High precision sleep mode for ~0 frame time jitter.
  • Integer image scaling mode.
  • 3DPB <-> FT data switch option, for easier data-set changes when both are available.
  • FT demo data support.
  • Bug fixes.

First release of cross-platform port.

Main highlights:

  • Windows dependencies removed.
  • Graphics and sounds rendered with SDL.
  • Dear ImGui GUI.
  • CMake build script, compiles on a lot of platforms.
  • A number of 3rd party source ports.

All features of v1.x are present, except for text translations.

Development and releases of v1.x will continue, don’t confuse the two. All source ports are technically v2.0RC, not v1.x.

There are no Linux or macOS binaries attached, compile them yourself.

This release was made better with the help of contributors. I thank them for their interest in the project.

CC0-1.0 Andrey Muzychenko MIT pinball space cadet